Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Worst place I could be sent is the Congo......

OK so I have this itch to get out, out of my environment, out of my house, out in general, I just want to run away and start over. Now my life is not that bad at all, I'm very lucky, but I have never been in one place for such a long time. When my Dad was alive, we were always going somewhere or doing something, so I'm used to a fast paced life. My mom's worked hard to try and keep up that pattern for us, but I need a faster escape. So last night I lost my mind and decided to look at the Peace Corps Website. I looked at all the information and thought it was a free, and accessible way to get out. I looked at all the places people in the corps are sent and honestly there are some damn scary places. The worst one I could find was the Congo. Coincidentally there was a representative that was visiting my school today and I took a meeting with one. Well when I informed my mother about this, she kind of flipped out.
Now if you know me you know I'm not exactly the roughing it kind of girl. I like being within about five minutes of a Target, and I like running water, and I'm afraid of public transportation. So the Peace Corps could either leave me crying for 2 years, or make me a better person. My mother has decided that she would rather send me anywhere I want to go in the world, paid for, then have me go into the Peace Corps. She is determined that we can find something I want to do that doesn't require health check-ups for malaria.........I'll think of another way to get out tomorrow :-)


CBK said...

Umm, I'm with Mom on this one, haha. I just love her!

Betsy | Heavens to Betsy said...

I love learning new things about you after all this time. Like your fear of publc transportation!