Monday, April 20, 2009

My worst nightmare

So I've heard so much about this new movie coming out on HBO with Drew Barrymore, whom I adore, so I decided to do a little YouTube-ing and found the original documentary of Grey Gardens. Now I watched the whole thing and am fascinated and completely horrified at the same time. These women literally living in solitude for years and years in this house with cats everywhere is like literally my worst nightmare. I love my mother, probably more then anything in the world, but the thought of being stuck in isolation with her out of obligation for years in a house that is literally falling apart around us terrifies me. I needed a shower immediately after watching it, but I admire the story and can't wait to catch the new version on HBO soon.

1 comment:

Liana said...

this was in this month's Town and Country...i didn't know what to think!