Wednesday, October 7, 2009


OK so I've noticed that with fall has come my failure to be productive, which is a problem seeing as fall also includes school. I just feel like sitting outside, or inside, with a book, tea and whatever I have decided to bake for the day. (and by bake I mean whatever my mom has baked/bought baked from the grocery store). I want to light candles and hang out on the couch at night and do nothing. Well, other then shop, but since I'm broke I've been doing a lot of the others. I also need to jump back on the blog spot because so many fun things have been going on in MY life. Sigh


Liana said...

ive been wanting to do absolutely nothing as well! i get tired just thinking about being productive

Anonymous said...

Haha, I go through phases where I'm super productive and then get tired and don't do a thing. I feel ya sister.