Thursday, November 12, 2009


alright here's the 411 on my life these day: I go to school, I go to the library, and I go out with friends on the weekends......that's about it. Going through my senior year of college is a lot more than I initially thought it would be. It's a lot more involvement and work then I ever thought it would have been. I've been holed up in the library a lot lately doing homework and research and then going home and sleeping and then doing it all over again. I've been going out basically once or twice a weekend and having drinks and having good fun with my loves, and then it's back to the grind come Sunday or Monday. I've been looking into a lot of graduate programs and even law school still, so figuring out the applications and deadlines has been eating my time as well. I've decided to get an enhancement on my Lasik surgery, which is going to suck but is TOTALLY worth it. Finding time for that is hard too but I'm trying to figure all of this out ASAP......WOW. It's Thursday so I have one more class then home to get some wine and relax tonight and start my weekend THANK GOD!!! Promise more updates and explanations on fun adventures soon!!
p.s. I am feeling so much better but the gloomy weather here lately has been making me tired of course

1 comment:

CBK said...

I fully appreciate the whole gloomy-weather-tired thing. I've been so bummy lately!