Thursday, July 9, 2009

Another one bites the dust.........

Alright I just began my summer class, which is the reason for the lack of blogging these days. It's a relatively easy class due to my MCOM major, and mostly always a bunch of chicks in class. I'm sitting waiting for the professor to come in and in walks this guy who is really attractive (for MCOM majors) and has the prettiest eyes ever (I'm an eyes girl). So I've basically been staring at him for 3 days now and this morning walking to class I see him pulling up on his bike. When I say bike you probably picture an actual bike or a was neither. It was a light blue, Carolina blue scooter......A FREAKIN SCOOTER!! and he was wearing a matching there goes my eye candy.
Out tonight with a couple drinks with my bff Catie!!!

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