Tuesday, June 16, 2009

She wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts

Alright just a quick one here: how do you get over someone you've been dealing with for years? It's never going to happen and it's not even a good idea but for some reason you just can't shake that feeling when you talk to/see that person. I guess when you find someone new but for Christ sakes sometimes it's just like this crazy thing that you must have dreamt up in your head that the person just totally gets you and you get them yet it never works.
Alright I'm off to the library to get some books for my grandma then doing another sweat sesh at the gym to get this off of me. And I feel like Taylor Swift may be younger then me yet I still love the way she writes about boys!!!!


Anonymous said...

I think some people you fall for in a different way. Like your first love, you never forget. Sometimes the feeling of missing someone stays with you forever.

Interesting post. Makes you think. Have a good week!

mylittlebecky said...

you got that exactly right...