Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Oh I have a boyfriend......his name is college.....its very serious

I've neglected my blog lately because I've been so crazy busy with school work that I haven't had time to blog.......or for that matter eat. It's been so hot here and with school and running around I've literally probably had one meal a day, crazy I know, and I never believed in the whole "too busy to eat" excuse but I totally get it now. About 2 more weeks of the madness and then its HELLO SUMMER!!!! stressing about the future is put on hold because I'm too busy to stress about anything but school work. Weekend plans: Friday-First Friday's in BA, Saturday-Towson for fair and party at B's and then Sunday- group work at school......Hope everyones having a very good week!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Reminder: I'm scared of needles.......

So I've been sick on and off for about a month straight. So today after suffering through a 10-hour shift at the hospital I decided to suck it up and go to patient first. Wait was so short I didn't think it was going to be as bad as I've heard. Got back to my "room" and the doctor came in. OK he was the goofiest, kookiest doctor I've ever seen. He was just odd and trying to make jokes and be weird while I was coughing up a lung. He ordered and chest X-ray to clear out bronchitis and then he said the dreaded words.
"I want to get some blood from you too while you're here"
UMM WHATTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????? OK so my 2 greatest fears in life: snakes and needles. I tried to remain calm throughout the X-ray and then the person who was going to draw my blood walked in. Now he was probably 20-years old at the most, which to me created an automatic panic attack. Now the kid was SO nervous, kind of rambling, that I felt so bad I didn't even give him the regular "You mess up I punch you" speech I give everyone. When he thought he got a vein he got ready and stuck me, nothing. Pulled the needle out, moved it maybe an inch and stuck me again, NOTHING. At that point I almost lost it but I knew he was so nervous and upset that I just kept my cool. He got it on the 3rd try but WOW it hurt like hell
Ended up leaving Patient First with strong cough medicine and a Z-pack, exactly what I predicted. I'm 3 tubes of blood shorter and now completely traumatized.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

With some good red wine and my brand new shoes.........

OK have you ever had that week when you had no clue what happened........the week that went by in a flash which left you saying "what the hell"?! well this was my week! I had some sort of mid-mid life crisis where I even lost it in a Panera when talking about the future with my Mom, and I did so much school work I almost lost my mind. Came home today and my Mom had bought me a bottle of Shiraz and Grey's was hopefully that is a good sign of things to come!!! I need some retail therapy tomorrow!! I need new shoes!!!!!! I need a man.....ew no I don't. I'll let you know........

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Worst place I could be sent is the Congo......

OK so I have this itch to get out, out of my environment, out of my house, out in general, I just want to run away and start over. Now my life is not that bad at all, I'm very lucky, but I have never been in one place for such a long time. When my Dad was alive, we were always going somewhere or doing something, so I'm used to a fast paced life. My mom's worked hard to try and keep up that pattern for us, but I need a faster escape. So last night I lost my mind and decided to look at the Peace Corps Website. I looked at all the information and thought it was a free, and accessible way to get out. I looked at all the places people in the corps are sent and honestly there are some damn scary places. The worst one I could find was the Congo. Coincidentally there was a representative that was visiting my school today and I took a meeting with one. Well when I informed my mother about this, she kind of flipped out.
Now if you know me you know I'm not exactly the roughing it kind of girl. I like being within about five minutes of a Target, and I like running water, and I'm afraid of public transportation. So the Peace Corps could either leave me crying for 2 years, or make me a better person. My mother has decided that she would rather send me anywhere I want to go in the world, paid for, then have me go into the Peace Corps. She is determined that we can find something I want to do that doesn't require health check-ups for malaria.........I'll think of another way to get out tomorrow :-)

Monday, April 20, 2009

My worst nightmare

So I've heard so much about this new movie coming out on HBO with Drew Barrymore, whom I adore, so I decided to do a little YouTube-ing and found the original documentary of Grey Gardens. Now I watched the whole thing and am fascinated and completely horrified at the same time. These women literally living in solitude for years and years in this house with cats everywhere is like literally my worst nightmare. I love my mother, probably more then anything in the world, but the thought of being stuck in isolation with her out of obligation for years in a house that is literally falling apart around us terrifies me. I needed a shower immediately after watching it, but I admire the story and can't wait to catch the new version on HBO soon.

Friday, April 17, 2009

i'm single and apparently i have something wrong with me now

OK, so if I step into one more room or bar or mall and see someone I know from High School or just around my town that asks me the 2 major questions:
When are you graduating?
Are you seeing anyone?
"Probably in December and NO!"
Dear freakin god since when is the fact that you are seeing someone almost as big as a deal as if you are graduating college? Honestly anyone who knows me knows that I don't "see" people and if I was, you wouldn't know it until I was basically engaged or had too much to drink and was actually showing affection. I'm just no that girl, never have been. I have this feeling of having too much to do right now in my life, but I'm guessing that if it was the right person they would fit. You know what I'm not worried about it.....I'm 22 god damn years old, going to be 23 in a couple months, and I don't think I have some disease just because I haven't had some long term, life altering relationship by now. Kill me!!
I like to think that all of these people who have been dating forever and have been in love 5 times by the time they're 20 will be divorced and miserable by the time I actually make it work with someone fantastic.......evil but whatever. I'd rather spend my time wandering Barnes and Noble or Nordstroms then sitting at my boyfriends house that he shares with what 2 or 3 other smelly dudes playing Wii or Xbox, because at 22 that's about the only people I could have been in a relationship it picky, I just know what I want and I want to have fun when I'm young, legal and blonde.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Won ton soup for the soul

Alright so of course I have seem to have come down with a mild case of strep throat in the last couple of day. How do I know its strep? I checked Web and my sister the nursing student checked my throat as well, I'm not a fan of the doctor's office so this will have to do. My mother being the amazing woman that she is went to pick me up some Won-ton soup yesterday. I've always hated chicken noodle and ever since I was little and sick my moms been getting me Won-Ton, it's my thing don't judge me.
It has also been raining cats and dogs for the past 2 days. Let me just say nothing is worse then going to school in the rain when you are sick. It's not like high school where you can just skip all the days you don't feel well. Professors do not care that you feel like your head is going to explode and your throat is going to close up at any minute.
OK, so last night was another Real Housewife of NYC episode which I live for, I love the Bravo network and all of it's doings but Bethenny Frankel is the reason I watch this one show. I am constantly adoring both Jill and Bethenny, while wanting to strangle Ramona and LuAnn. I mean Ramona's face is bothering me and I know that's vain and non feminist of me to make fun of others looks, the woman's eyes are going to eventually pop so far out of her head they are going to land on someone Louboutin's. The show was somewhat entertaining but not the
amazing drama it's been feeding us lately.
On a different note, I want to have fun and be tan and get my butt back into working out but with a failing immune system and the ran, obviously God wants me to be in the house, drinking tea and eating chocolate. Well if it's what God wants......

Saturday, April 11, 2009

sometimes life makes lemonade for you.......

Ok so the plan for last night, showing the bitches up, can you say score. I've been doing this soul searching, zen, reading up on good karma thing and it kinda TOTALLY paid off last night. OK i know that going out with the purpose to piss people off sounds like my karma is gonna totally be thrown off, but my definition of showing bitches up includes killing people who I know don't like me with kindness. I love making people who I know don't like me, end up loving me and thinking I am the coolest chick in the world. Let's just say missions accomplished.

My lovely best friend K, seen above, and myself went looking fantastic and completely ignored the boys who we no longer care for, and had the best time ever. I found this fabulous shirt in my closet that I got from H&M years ago and forgot I had which was totally flattering since I am out of shape lately, my jeans fit perfectly, and I put on my fantastic Christmas present to myself a couple years ago, my 4 inch black suede boots, they are FAB.

So I felt amazing and at the first stop bar, ran into my longest and bestest friend in the world C, we had a catch up chat. C and I are practically sisters so when her loser, horrible, recent ex boyfriend walked in the eye contact was hilarious. Later I informed horrible ex boyfriend that I was still not in his fan club and that didn't go over too well. I had not eaten dinner and was on my 3rd vodka tonic when we hit the 2nd stop on our bar fun, and K and I ran into the loser boys we don't care for anymore. Their group of friends I adore so we hung out with them and ignored our significant loser others. It was a fantastic time, I had too much to drink and so did K and we just had some good, young, drunk fun.

Sometimes I think that I have too much fun for my own good and I've been literally loving life recently, it's just amazing. I'm a very lucky and blessed girl and I know it. I feel like I've earned this time right now and I'm just going to enjoy the rest of the ride........


Friday, April 10, 2009

Rain rain go away

So today I was going to wake up, clean and do things like that then go to the O's game tonight with my besty Beth(seen above with me) a bunch of people........well seeing as it is going to thunderstorm all night plans got cancelled.....dammit.......I'm not a huge baseball fan because well I'm from Pittsburgh and the Pirates haven't been good in the whole 22 years I've been on this earth. I was going for the fun, the boy, and the beer. Kinda ruined my Friday plans but seeing as it's Easter weekend tons of people are coming back into town therefore I will be finding something else to do tonight!!!

It's official, I am completely boyless, no one on the horizon and eww I don't like it. Usually I am at least speaking to a potential and anyone that knows me knows that I am in NO way a relationship kind of girl, but it's always fun to have that boy that you get excited about when you see him or he texts you. So I'm going to be just having fun and looking for someone to catch my eye. I don't have a type other then he has to be sarcastic and funny and have good eyes.....I seem to like them tall and not really very nice, but I'm trying to change that trend right now.

I am literally almost completely broke so I am doing little things to make money in order to go out, it's kind of sad, but this is what happens when you hate your job and only work every-other weekend. I keep wanting to buy new clothes lately even though there are plenty in my closet I have yet to actually wear our, I am like one of those horrible celebrities that almost refuse to wear the same clothes out because I might get photographed, pathetic but in these Facebook photo times I get concerned. to be continued.........

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Just call me the motivational speaker

OK so truth be told I have always been somewhat of a Dr. Phil in my group of friends. I just always have this need to help.....and I may come off as somewhat horrible and sarcastic but if you are my friend I will literally do anything to help you. This has been fun and great and all but 23 years later, I'm a little ad viced out man. There comes a point when your friends just start not asking you how your are doing and get right to what you can fix for them.
Let me preface by saying that I have been lucky to have very long term friends who know me and do not do such things, however I have cultivated friends since second grade that seem to see me as some sort of personal fix it person. As I get older I find myself less happy about fixing their problems, and though my life has been problem free, I find that not worrying or thinking about their problems frees up what little brain space I actually still have available.
And moving on..........Today I signed up for what will be my last semester in my undergraduate career. And two of those classes are Art classes. I draw and have the handwriting of a 2nd grader but who wants to stress out their last semester? I did some yoga last night and am going to do it again in an hour and my body has that fantastic stretched feeling to it right now.
Want to get back into the gym however, my sister has helped herself to my I-pod and I have yet to see it again. Being the youngest I have little say in my actual belongings. Also purchased a little book from B&M yesterday which is about the Red String which blocks negative energy and looks from you......hey whatever helps right!!??

Monday, April 6, 2009

Back to the hills

And tonight is THE night!! the hills is back for what apparently is the last season. I've always loved Lauren Conrad from the laguna days till the hills days and I have to say I'm stoked to watch it today. I, like other people have kind of been overdosed with the hills characters lately, Heidi and Spencer need to just go away. I watched an interview with them on the View a while back and literally laughed through the whole thing because Spencer is such an idiot and poor Heidi has gotten sucked into his stupidity. I think that all of the girls themselves have turned into style icons of my generation and I've definitely taken to Lauren and Audrina's style in some way. I'm totally guilty of taking a Lauren Conrad picture to the hair salon and asking for her cut!!

Alright so this week is gonna be good I can feel it!! I went to fed hill this weekend to hang out with some of my loves!! got a little banged up and danced my butt off!! it was a good time and I loved it!!! I was going to try and post a picture but I'm still learning this whole thing so it won't go where I want it to!! I am really going to start getting my body back into some sort of shape. I just want to feel strong. I've been eating better and following the rules of Ms. Bethenny Frankel's Naturally Thin book......which is fabulous and I love it!!! Boys are fun and random.....met one in the bar the other night named Ben and he was adorable but that was it. Trying to avoid boys with the first names which start with the letter B....

My grandmother got to see me walking hungover into my house the next morning carrying my jeans and heels and a bag of McD's wearing someone else's sweatshirt and shorts.....dear god that was a moment!! haha

Money is little these days but I am DYING to buy a pair of chucky heel sandals to rock all summer long!! into layering necklaces too right now......can't wait till the sun is out 24/7!!! I'm over the rain!!!